2007年10月19日 星期五

周蟒 1.2 版發佈

周蟒 1.2 版剛發佈了(代號 鎮魂曲 )

請使用 $ easy_install -U zhpy 命令下載或更新周蟒版本.

或前往網站查看更多關於周蟒的內容 http://code.google.com/p/zhpy/


* 內建 sys 模組關鍵詞

* 加入雙向轉換測試用例

* 雙向中文變量轉換 zh_chr/zh_ord
assert zh_chr(zh_ord('範例'.decode("utf8"))) == '範例'

* 雙向中文中文檔名轉換

$ zhpy -p 範例.py
產生檔名 p_7bc4_4f8b_v.py

再用 $ zhpy --tw p_7bc4_4f8b_v.py
產生檔名 v_範例.py

另外歡迎 renhbo 加入開發者行列

1.2 (10/19/2007):
code name: Requiem


* Use build-in int function to convert hex string, thanks Jiahua Huang
* refactor repeative tripleQuote pattern to single place (zhpy)
* refactor 'number_to_variable' function to 'zh_chr' function (pyzh)
* refactor 'variable_to_number' function to 'zh_ord' function (zhpy)
* support chinese filename to uri filename while convert with '-p'
* zh_ord and zh_chr are bi-direction convertable now
* change keyword:
* '最大值' instead of '最大':'max'
* '最小值' instead of '最小':'min'
* '最大值' instead of '最大':'max'
* '最小值' instead of '最小':'min'
* '反 ' instead of '逆 ':'reverse',


* add zhimport module to support chinese file name import, thanks
Jiahua Huang
* checked in experimental direct zhpy module import(disabled), thanks
Jiahua Huang
* add build-in sys module keyword plugin
* add pyzh and bi-directional translation tests


* support multilines comments with triple single quote, thanks renhbo

*Project Updates*

* set svn:external to update ez_setup script automaticaly
* renhbo joined as the project member


Fred Lin, Jiahua Huang, renhbo
